There is so much intrigue in a road trip... so much mystery, allure, and excitement. This is why I want to go. I would love to hit the road tonight. Get lost. Meet complete strangers. Find God in a new way. Rely on only what I have in my car. Rely on the complete generosity of strangers. Rely on the work of God.
I think what gets me excited about a road trip is the unknown. Sam and I are trying to make this trip as unplanned as possible because we want God to lead us. We want life to happen. We do not want to be controlled by plans. We don't want to be controlled by time. The only time we have to worry about is two weeks. That is how much time we have to cut loose, see something different, and escape routine. There is something freeing of not knowing what tomorrow brings. If we want to hangout with a homeless friend... awesome. If we want to go on a hike... awesome. If we want to explore a hole-in-the-wall restaurant, we will! 14 days to live freely, create a better friendship (with Sam), and see God from new surroundings.
I sometimes think God's intention with creation was for us to live freely and not depend on plans. We could live without sin, without worry, and without plans. And I sometimes wonder if Heaven will have clocks? Without plans, no need for time. We no longer will need to live in a culture focused on the where we need to be. We will just be. Be in the presence of God and the multitude worshiping Him. Awesome. Simply awesome.
So what does all this mean? I think I want to spend more time doing things spontaneously. Things that aren't planned. If a friend needs me at that moment, I want to be there. I do not want plans to screw it up and get in the way. I also want to keep praying that God would remind me that He is in control. My stupid plans are nothing compared to what He has planned for my life. I need to just give in. Give in to His will.
Road trips, living freely, and letting God take the wheel.
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