I don't remember being so captivated with children, until recently. In fact, I have a confession... I am obsessed with my baby niece. She is absolutely adorable. I have a picture of her on my iPhone that comes up every time I turn it on. And every time I do... I smile. She brings instant joy to my life. I get excited to go home to my family because I know she will be there (nothing against the rest of the fam, Love you all!). But there is something about a child that makes people excited. Maybe it is because everything to them is new and thus AMAZING. Maybe it is because we never know what they will do or say next. They are unpredictable. "Kids do say the darndest things!" Or maybe it is because they are our future. They have a fresh start at this crazy world and haven't been completely tainted by the darkness that is all around. Babies, youth, kids bring a hearty amount of joy to our lives.
After observing this little girl at lunch today, I thought of a movie that I think demonstrates this idea a bit. The movie is entitled, "Children of Men." If you haven't seen it, I highly suggest seeing it. But, it focuses on a future world where women can no longer have children (if you want to see the movie and you don't want me to ruin it, I suggest going to the next paragraph). Something happens to the entire earth population and not a single woman can get pregnant... or so they think. But the movie mainly follows a older man and his calling to protect the last young woman who is pregnant. The scene that captures what I am talking about is of the woman walking through a blazing battle with her child in her arms (picture below). Both waring sides instantly stop what they are doing and stare at the baby. They stop fighting for one instant and put down their guns. There is peace for maybe a minute. They are captivated by a child and what that child means for the world. There is hope for humanity.

And this brings me to another child. A baby that was born a long time ago, but is still alive in our hearts. A baby that gives us hope, joy, peace, and love. The baby that is Jesus Christ (God with us).

I am so glad to know that God came to dwell among us and did so by first being a baby. He could have chosen to come down instantly as a man, but no, He came as a fragile, tiny, baby. And I think that means something because there is something captivating about a child. They bring us hope, joy, peace, and make us want to truly love one another.
So... I pray that this Christmas be a Christmas focused on THE baby. Not on gifts, not on amazing holiday drinks from Coffee Shops, not on the long awaited break from work, but on Jesus. Not to say those things aren't good, but they aren't Jesus. And Jesus is REALLY GOOD!