NACCAP. What is NACCAP? Well, let me tell you. It is the acronym for the North American Coalition for Christian Admissions Professionals. More importantly, it is an organization that helps me (and many others) develop in a career of supporting Christian Higher Education.
With that said, my staff and I ventured down to San Diego for a NACCAP conference two weeks ago at Point Loma Nazarene University. While there, we attended sessions on a variety of pertinent topics, worshipped with hundreds of colleagues, and reflected on the importance of what we do.
I love my job. I love Christian Higher Education. And I love my staff - just check them out (*cough cough... pictures below).
PS. Joyce Luy, my current boss, was awarded the Life Time Achievement Award, while we were down there. She is pretty amazing.
This last weekend my church's young adult group (PCNK - Post College No Kids) sailed to the Channel Islands to pursue adventure. What type of adventure? Well, I am glad you asked. Our adventures included sea kayaking, snorkeling, hiking, sunset watching, fox chasing, and plenty of games.
However, the most amazing adventure of the weekend was Growing Deeper as a Community.
I can honestly say I was blessed by all who were able to attend this trip. I walked or "sailed" away with 25 new friends. And I look forward to the many more adventures ahead.